Wednesdays 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th June and 4th, 11th, 18th, 25th September, 11am-12noon and 1.30pm-2.30pm
Explore more of Holkham’s wonderful parkland with a fascinating tractor trailer tour of Holkham park. Discover the landscaped parkland and historical architectural landmarks and find out how the park has changed through the course of time.
Learn about the evergreen oaks (Quercus ilex) that are such a feature of the park, are Mediterranean in origin and were brought to Holkham from Italy. See the monument and the obelisk, the temple tucked away in the woods as well as the ice house and the great barn.
Tickets: £7.50 per adult. Pre-booking essential. Your ticket will include exclusive entry to the ice house and the old game larder. Click on the button at the bottom of this page to book online or telephone our ticket office on 01328 713111.
Why not combine your Parkland Heritage Tour with a Behind the Scenes Tour of Holkham Hall? Our knowledgable guide will lead you through hidden corridors, up servants’ stairs and into the attics of Holkham Hall, where you can look out over the parkland you’ve just seen. For only £30, you can purchase a combined ticket for both tours to really give you the full Holkham experience.
Combined Tickets: £30 per adult. Pre-booking essential. Combined tickets are only available via Holkham Ticket Office telephone 01328 713111.
This year in a unique collaboration with the Henry Moore Foundation, Houghton will present a Nature and Inspiration exhibition, from 1st May to 29th Sept. Book Now
SUPERSTRUCTURES: THE NEW ARCHITECTURE 1960-1990 24 March - 2 September 2018 - This year marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts