Waveney & Blyth Arts is a not-for-profit organisation, established and run by local people on a voluntary basis.
Its aims are to promote the distinct cultural identity of this beautiful area of north Suffolk and south Norfolk through exciting arts projects and events, to support the work of local creative people and arts organisations, and to help build connections between people and places.
Throughout the year Waveney & Blyth Arts organises events and projects that are open to members and non-members.
Our main programme, Celebrate, runs from May to October every year. In 2019, we’re exploring Bugs & Blossoms as our theme.
Check out our website to keep abreast of all the activities and events organised throughout 2019
For more information, please contact us clicking on any of the live buttons below
This year in a unique collaboration with the Henry Moore Foundation, Houghton will present a Nature and Inspiration exhibition, from 1st May to 29th Sept. Book Now
SUPERSTRUCTURES: THE NEW ARCHITECTURE 1960-1990 24 March - 2 September 2018 - This year marks the 40th anniversary of the opening of the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts